Residential Painters | 3 Golden Rules To Use Paint For Making Your Small Bedroom Look Bigger

Posted on: 23 March 2016


If you're in the market to get new colours for your small bedroom, then you'll naturally want to find a way to make it look bigger than it is when collaborating with your residential painters. While you don't have the luxury of large spaces, you can create the impression of space by following these golden rules to use paint for making your small bedroom look bigger.

Choose The Right Light Shade

Light colours tend to make a room look bigger because they reflect light while dark colours absorb light to give the impression of more closed in spaces. If you're keen on giving your room a sprawling look, then white is perhaps the ideal colour to open up the room. But not everyone is comfortable with the idea of white, so you can play with light, neutral colours like beige, ivory, light grey and baby pink to make your room look bigger. You can ask your residential painters to provide you with a few samples before you make a final colour shade decision.    

Follow A Monochromatic Colour Scheme

Monochromatic colours typically tend to work best when it comes to opening up a room because using more than one colour may end up crowding an already small bedroom. Monochromatic schemes use different shades of a single colour to add character and depth to your bedroom without making it seem too crowded and cramped. This strategy works best when you work with light colours for opening up the space in the bedroom. Matching your furniture to your bedroom walls will create a cohesive and unified look –– creating the illusion of space seamlessly. You can collaborate with your residential painters to finalise the shades you want to use on your bedroom walls.

Introduce Stripes To Elongate Or Broaden Your Bedroom

Never underestimate the power of stripes when it comes to making your bedroom seem taller or wider. If you have a narrow bedroom, then painting horizontal stripes on your walls will widen the appearance of the room. If your bedroom comes with a low ceiling, then painting the walls with vertical stripes will give the impression of a taller space. Flowing directly from the previous strategies, this rule stems from the idea of using light, monochromatic shades for painting either vertical or horizontal stripes for your small bedroom.

The right paint will give your bedroom a sprawling and luxurious appearance. Follow these golden rules when working with residential painters (such as those from Dyson Painters) to make your small bedroom look bigger.